Veli Moluluo – IEC Monte Carlo 2019
‘Noble Foods; Hero-ing the humble egg in a rapidly changing UK market!’ Monday 8th April Click the ‘Download Now’ button below the video for the PDF presentation
‘Noble Foods; Hero-ing the humble egg in a rapidly changing UK market!’ Monday 8th April Click the ‘Download Now’ button below the video for the PDF presentation
‘The changing face of retail’ Monday 8th April Click the ‘Download Now’ button below the video for the PDF presentation
International Reviews Session Tuesday 11th September Click the ‘Download Now’ button below the video for the PowerPoint presentation
‘Why food is becoming the new pop’ Monday 10th September
‘Ideas to drive efficiency and boost profitability’ Thursday 13th September
‘What does our future look like?’ Thursday 13th September
‘A retailer’s perspective’ Thursday 13th September
‘Introduction of the Japanese Egg Market and Kewpie’s Challenge’ Thursday 13th September
‘Processing Eggs from a Body-Mind Perspective’ Thursday 13th September
‘China, India, Japan – the three leading countries in Asia’s Egg Industry’ Thursday 13th September
‘Tackling Environmental Issues: A US Case Study’ Wednesday 12th September
‘Launch of the WEO commitment to UN sustainability goals’ Wednesday 12th September
Showcase for Marketing Eggsellence Tuesday 11th September
Showcase for Marketing Eggsellence Tuesday 11th September
Showcase for Marketing Eggsellence Tuesday 11th September Click the ‘Download Now’ button below the video for the PowerPoint presentation
Showcase for Marketing Eggsellence Tuesday 11th September Click the ‘Download Now’ button below the video for the PowerPoint presentation
‘Zero Waste Farm’ Tuesday 11th September Click the ‘Download Now’ button below the video for the PowerPoint presentation
‘Making profit out of sustainable practices’ Tuesday 11th September Click the ‘Download Now’ button below the video for the PowerPoint presentation