Membership Types
We offer a range of membership options which are designed to allow egg businesses, large and small, as well as associations and individuals, to fully enjoy the benefits of WEO membership.
All the below listed memberships types can enjoy the full suite of member benefits, including participation in all WEO conferences (registration fees apply). Access to online member-only content is available for up to 5 contacts within each member organisation in all categories, except for Subscribers (access is available to 1 individual).
Producer - Packer Membership
For any commercial company producing, packing or marketing eggs.
Egg Processors Membership
For any commercial company processing or marketing egg products.
Allied Industry Membership
For any commercial company selling products or services to the egg industry.
Country Membership
For Country Associations representing egg producers.
Subscriber Membership
For private individuals, such as academics, who are connected to the egg industry.
Contact us today if you are interested in WEO membership.